No, OrbFusion features a drag-and-drop interface for the creation and maintenance of Processes.

Yes, you have the ability to grant Import\Export functions on a Form level

OrbFusion allows for dual mode authentication, AD and Form Authentication, with AD authentication additional options are available for document actions.

No, OrbFusion however allows for attachments during the different stages of a process. Attachments can be marked as External Communication allowing documents to be shared outside the bounds of your organisation. OrbFusion has the ability to generate documents in PDF, Word, Excel at different stages of a process.

Support is provided through partner and web support.

Licensing is calculated on a sliding seated user bases.

OrbFusion provides multi-lingual functionality through language files. Apart from the standard interfaces, forms and the portal also provide the ability to be translated. Language selection is based on end-user language settings on their computer.

Yes, providing scalability and disaster recovery.

Yes, OrbFusion has a Delegation section allowing users to substritute themselves, for a given period, on Process and Role level.