Mining Subcontractor Management

The mining industry relies heavy on sub contractors for different areas of their operations. Having a flexible tool to allow for management, control and visibility of tasks are essential. Aligning to defined processes, while ensuring the contractual agreement details are enforced results in better cost control.

OrbFusion allows for better collaboration and compliance between owner and sub-contractor, whilst aligning to the terms and rates as defined in the contractual agreement. Task orders allow for clear instructions per area and supporting details, whilst accommodating for changes that might occur in a dynamic environment.

Contractor reports allow for the evaluation against these tasks per your defined mining period. Actuals, as a basis for contractor invoicing, forms part of the KPI’s and any out of scope work that was performed.

Integrated to your ERP and controlled by your approval structures as defined in OrbFusion.

Life Cycle Costing

The business requirements of certain organisations are often so unique that a best of breed Plant Maintenance solution offers a better fit than the standard ERP solution. Instead of trying to implement complex and costly systems which do not always address all the business requirements, a combination of the most suitable solutions is essential to get positive results.

With the aid of OrbFusion, interfacing these systems can be achieved. Not only facilitating data exchange between Plant Maintenance and the ERP, but also allows for accurately measuring equipment performance to reduce downtime, accurate spare part management and better Life Cycle Costing. This is possible because the interface allows for all maintenance management activities to be managed by the Plant Maintenance System, while the Materials Management and other cost elements take place within ERP and managed by OrbFusion.

Legal Contract Management

  • Standardise and Control Contract Development
  • Increased collaboration with Stakeholders
  • Alerts and Notifications
  • Business Process Controlled
  • Business Approvals as per DOA
  • Complete Visibility
  • Central Repository
  • Contract Applications
  • Contracts Creation and Amendments
  • Payment Management
  • Payment Request
  • Invoice Allocation

Stock Item Applications

The OrbFusion Stock Classification module streamlines the stock item application process and allows cataloguers to classify items based on industry standards. Allowing items to be classified based on attributes and additional information to be associated. Since this is an integrated module within the OrbFusion framework, you get all the management and control features OrbFusion has to offer while enhancing collaboration.


  • Integrated within the OrbFusion Workflow Framework
  • Request initiation from a customisable ANSI form, allowing for collaboration with requestors
  • Allows for the reclassification of exiting items
  • Integrated with OrbFusion’s Forms Designer, allowing for custom and required fields by the ERP
  • Allows for the definition of Manufacturers, Supplier and Alternative Items
  • ERP Integration optional as managed by the OrbFusion Business Process
  • Enhanced search functions based on attributes and filtered categories
  • Product Image support
  • Search key generation based on part numbers to avoid duplication

Logistics Management

  • Provides Transactional Integrity
  • Ensures Transactional Flow Control
  • Full Traceability
  • Exception Reporting
  • Alert Notifications
  • IP Spend Management
  • Integration to Hauliers and Clearing Agents Optional
  • Avoid Penalties

Inter-site Transfers

As an Extension of the OrbFusion BPM Solution, OrbFusion’s Bar Coding and Scanning solution, OrbScan, has been configured to manage the receiving and dispatch processes for a Central Distribution Centre. This allows for the receiving of goods, crate management and dispatch of goods to their relevant destinations. Allowing greater visibility and control over logistical dependencies and underlying processes.