The Business Process Management Solution

Business Process Management is a holistic approach to management with the aim of aligning the business processes within the organization more optimally. In today’s dynamic organization the traditional approach to business management is giving way to more decision making latitude within an organisation, creating an acute need for a comprehensive business process management solution that can accommodate blurred reporting structures and interdepartmental collaboration.

As a business process management solution with an extensive set of tools to handle the most complex business process requirements on an enterprise scale, OrbFusion addresses this need unequivocally. Being a powerful role-based business process management solution, OrbFusion delivers real-time, practicable information to its users with the aim of improved decision making. This is realised by the vast scope of functionality that OrbFusion provides, which amongst other things improves the efficacy of the maintenance of your business processes and allows for the effortless capturing, reviewing, editing or approval of documents within these processes.

The OrbFusion solution can connect with many other systems and databases within your organization, consolidating the processes and data silos which have historically been associated with the different lines of business within your organization. This integration with your organization’s core business process management systems allows for the greater visibility of relevant information which is centralized in one global and coherent browser-based solution.

To facilitate the flow of information and task allocation within your business processes, OrbFusion features a flexible workflow engine that offers robust functionality and visual process management. This further enables rapid deployment across your organization.

Bridging the Gap OrbFusion has specifically been developed to bridge the gaps between systems to ensure that all your organization’s business needs are met. This is achieved while simultaneously increasing your organization’s agility by improving your ability to respond to change while also promoting efficiency in your responses to the change within your organization’s environment.

Interoperability OrbFusion integrates with your organization’s current business management systems and databases, affording its users a consolidated updated view of information while formalizing disparate data. This not only limits the potential for making erroneous decisions based on outdated information, but also increases the data integrity by ensuring that all the information stored in your organization’s systems are consolidated into one view. Such an updated global view aids you in informed decision making.


OrbFusion has been developed to assist your organization in facilitating rapid change while still promoting simplicity. Despite being a sophisticated solution, it offers an interface which can easily be customized without the user needing extensive knowledge of complex code.

To improve user experience, OrbFusion affords the user the ability to fully customize the interface to display the user’s most relevant information and create dynamic enquiries. Utilizing these fully user customizable forms increase the efficiency of the overall workflow.

In addition, the elements involved in dynamic business process requirements can effectively be configured to suit business needs while adhering to business policy. To achieve this, OrbFusion offers an advanced interface which allows you to customize and edit any of the elements within these processes quickly.

With globalization occurring at such a fast pace organizations have various stakeholders who are communicating and collaborating across borders. OrbFusion facilitates this cross border cooperation by localizing the data housed within OrbFusion.

This is further expedited by the fact that OrbFusion can be adapted to country specific requirements such as multicurrency and legislation.


OrbFusion features a powerful workflow engine which offers robust functionality and visual process modelling. This is accompanied by a straight-forward visual toolset, which enables the rapid creation, deployment and maintenance of your business processes by offering a simple drag – and – drop interface.

Due to its role-based approach, OrbFusion further allows you to give particular roles the capability to adapt business processes or edit documents. This can be done effortlessly and without technical support so as to ensure an effective response to changes within your organization’s environment.

With this role-based focus, OrbFusion further expedites the keeping of a clear global audit trail.

Collaboration & Connectivity

Crucial to efficient workflow is the collaboration and connectivity of your organization’s staff which OrbFusion facilitates.

Users collaborate with the aim of maintaining the business processes as well as to increase the pace and level of efficiency of which documents within these processes are actioned.

During the execution of a business process (for example), the completion of a workflow task initiates an alert for the next user (either internally or externally) in the workflow to take action. These notifications are based on user defined templates and provide the ability for other relevant data or attachments to accompany the message.

To avoid bottlenecks within a business process, the steps within the process can easily be escalated using the predefined escalation rules. The policies for such escalations are defined for each step within the business process which increases your organization’s competence in managing the workflow.

Thanks to the fact that it is a web-based application that can function across browsers, OrbFusion further enables users to connect to the system while working off-site.

Auditability & Monitoring

By keeping a comprehensive audit trail of all actions performed in OrbFusion, a transparent view of your key business processes is provided. An updated, clear and visual audit trail therefore increases user accountability and enables the reviewing of the process followed.

You can also monitor the efficiency of processes, either on a specific task or for a phase within a process. Lead-times can be defined for a process as a base line for monitoring the performance of the business process. To illuminate the efficiency of the process and aid with identifying and improving the performance of the process, users can refer to the graphical views provided within the OrbFusion solution.